Update: I recommend not reading this as I no longer believe in it.
Important background information:
The Coriolis effect causes cyclones to spin more severely the farther it is from the equator. A severe spin means the spiral is less round and longer. The force is always present in time but does not exist at the equator.
My theory is that cyclones are the basis of life. The matter composition of nature is governed by the Coriolis effect. Nature conforms to the spiral that corresponds to its latitude of residence.
Hurricane Rita closely resembles a counter-clockwise Phi spiral. The Coriolis effect near 20 N or S latitude will produce a Phi spiral. I will place a Phi spiral on pictures of nature to show the connection and allow one to estimate its distance from 20 N or S.
This nautilus shell is a bit rounder than a Phi spiral. One can say it lived near the equator.
Most spirals of nature are on the planes perpendicular or parallel to the ground.
The spiral of a hurricane is only seen from above. Likewise is the spiral of a calla lily.
This California fan palm tree at 37 N shows its spiral from the side. It is elongated beyond a Phi spiral because of its latitude.
Most of nature displays only the curvature of its spiral.
A seagull does not show the converging point of its spiral, although it may be inside the body.
This banana is from the southern hemisphere, which may explain its clockwise spin.
A fruit with shell often displays its spiral inside.
A set of leaves often form a single spiral.
There is a direct relationship between the time for a subject to conform and its density.
When taken north, the species of hard persimmon retains its shape.
Whereas the species of soft persimmon conforms to its latitude of residence.
One can say that density hinders height in a human living far from the equator.
There is a direct relationship between the time for a subject to conform and its angle from the vertical.
A snake is perpendicular to the vertical and therefore does not display a noticeable spiral shape.
A human brain displays a spiral from the side and connects to an erect spine. A completely vertical tube most closely resembles a hurricane and may be an indicator of intelligence among species. A human also has perpendicular cyclonic representations such as the ear canal and optic nerve. These become vertical during sleep. One can say that the Coriolis effect causes REM.
There are a few positions of the spiral that are truncated and often mirrored, creating symmetry.
The line often used is non-intersecting, bound by the spiral, and tangent to the inner spiral.
This shape is seen in an egg.
Note that this is essentially the same line with the other side mirrored. This shape is seen in an apple.
These spirals share the converging point that forms the tube of the cyclone. This shape is seen in a human brain from above.
Because a mirrored counter-clockwise spiral results in a clockwise spiral, I am unsure of the importance of spin direction in nature.
Variable within species is the density gradient.
This seems as random as cloud arrangement in a hurricane.
The outer ring of this ear has clumps that form a slightly discontinuous spiral.
After latitudinal migration, growth is transferred from the area that is no longer encompassed by the Coriolis effect to the new area.
The truncation line is often more dense than its surroundings, which result in two more typical shapes.
A subject migrating closer to the equator conforms to a rounder spiral often while retaining its tip.
This vine leaf has a concave end. This shape is seen in a typical pear.
A subject migrating farther from the equator conforms to a longer spiral often while retaining its tip.
This apple has a convex end. This shape looks like sag or overflow.
A migrating subject resists the Coriolis effect with secretion, cankers, or blemishes. A weaker resistance may be undulation for a flat subject such as a leaf.
The spiral shape does not apply to excretion of dead matter such as hair, horn, nail, and sometimes shell.
One can apply the theory to a human. A child with thin bone and little muscle migrates farther from the equator. It quickly conforms to the long spiral because of its low density. The body, a spiral itself, reaches puberty early, grows tall, and does not grow wide. The face elongates with little acne. The eyes elongate, resulting in myopia. The mouth does not grow wide, causing the relatively-dense teeth to drift inward. The relatively-dense skull elongates slower than the brain. The front of the brain overflows, resulting in high IQ, memory, and cross-activation. An organ elongates as cancer.
Latitudinal migration to one's "intended latitude" stops growth at the new area.
In response to counterarguments:
This is a general theory for all of nature. Alternative explanations are limited to a certain field.
The Coriolis effect is small, but will be the dominant force in relative equilibrium.
The spiral is obscured by unnaturalities such as cosmetics and genetic engineering.
I will occasionally add pictures of Phi spirals superimposed on nature.
The prediction on spiral shape can be verified by looking up the latitudinal distribution of the species.